I love you i don´t know if we will have much time ot write again tonight but i am writing to tell you that i am all good in Belgrano and that santo Got baptized!!
Elder Troy Hicks!
*This short note is all we got from Troy this week, so I will add a few pictures from the Smith's visit and the email they sent to us last night.*
"These are the sister missionaries in his district. I'm sure you know, he is the district leader and it's just him and his comp. and these sisters in his district. One night we were walking back to our apt. and ran into these sisters. They were helping a lady who looked distraught and upset. We stopped to talk to them and said we were members. They told us that the girl they were helping was a member and needed a blessing immediately because she was having some sort of an anxiety attack. They were on there way to get the elders to do it. ( we didn't know it at the time that it was Troy and his comp. ) The sisters asked Marty if he could do it instead so he was able to give this girl a blessing. After talking with them, we asked if they knew elder hicks. They said, "yeah he's our district leader! He gave us some taco seasoning yesterday. Was that from you?" It was a good laugh. But most of all, it was really cool that Marty in some ways got to help out Troy in his missionary work in his district. The whole trip was full of great experiences like this."
I'm so happy to see these pictures! I'm ready to go back already :)