All of these great guys will be leaving on their missions soon. I will try to list and remember where they are all going.
Starting on the left back, Steven Delgado Italy, Spencer Tippetts Finland, Abraham Hendryx Russia, Second Row from left, Trevor McClaws don't know yet, Blake Randall Mexico, Troy Hicks Argentina, Jaron Whitfield Mexico, Tyler Willardson Brazil, Jackson Sellers Japan,
Front Row: Mitchell Overson Chile.
We had them and all their families over to our home for one last hooray before they are literally sent to all over the world. It was so fun to get to know their families of the incredible young men. Everyone brought pot luck and we grilled steaks. I can't even imagine how quiet my house is going to be after they all have entered the MTC in the next few weeks. This is such an incredible time to be a part of, because of the announcement of the age requirement being lowered to 18 it has put these YM in place that they all will leave relatively close to each other. They have brought such fun to our family and we have loved having them in our home so often. They will do great things in the next 2 years!